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Visita TV2 a Capçanes

Ahir varem tenir l’honor de rebre TV2 en motiu d’un reportatge sobre el vi Kosher. Justament la bodega entrava raïm que anirà destinat a  aquest vi i els companys de “Vespre a la 2” van voler-hi ser presents.

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La verema ha començat!

Ahir dia 03/09/14 varem començar la verema al Celler de Capçanes.

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Jancis Robinson (20 Aug 2014): A Catalan collection

Nick has been writing this week about our summers in the western Languedoc (extremely changeable, almost cool weather this summer – but the vines seem to like it). If while there we feel like a change of scene, we join the queues to cross the Pyrenees and head into Spanish Catalunya. The scenery is wonderful, especially up towards the Pyrenees but also on the coast. And, gosh, the Spaniards have been building some superb roads.
Northern Spain always seems so much more sophisticated than our part of southern France. Perhaps it's the Barcelona effect. The restaurant scene is certainly much, much more exciting, and  Nick will be writing soon about one or two new discoveries. The wines are arguablymore varied than those over the mountains in Roussillon (though I can feel Jonathan Hesford of Domaine Treloar sharpening his pencil and darts on our forum as I write), even if it has taken a little while for denominations such as Empordà to catch up (admittedly leaning a little on experiences in Roussillon).
Below is a collection of tasting notes on some bright stars in Spanish Catalunya tasted in London mainly over the past few months. The wines below are grouped by producer in alphabetical order, and then in the order tasted.  Most are imported into the UK by Rhône to Rioja or Indigo Wines.

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Etapa 4: Adelaide, Barossa/ South Australia:

Després de Sydney  i dues hores de vol, Adelaide, la cinquena ciutat més gran del país amb més d’un milió d’habitants, la vida aquí sembla menys estressant. Sydney es va convertir en  la meva ciutat preferida, però les muntanyes i el Eden Valley d’ Adelaide han esdevingut  la meva primera opció en quant a paisatge. Quina meravellosa zona rural!

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Capçanes en Ruta, Nova Zelanda

El passat dimarts vaig arribar a Nova Zelanda. Preciós! No puc trobar les paraules correctes per descriure-ho, simplement preciós! Si existeix el paradís a la terra, això hi està molt a prop!

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Capçanes està a la carretera de nou, Melbourne (Victoria) / Australia.

Capçanes està novament en ruta, aquesta vegada a Melbourne. El dissabte passat a “Prinz Wine Store”, un dels més grans majoristes- minoristes. El dilluns a “The Spanish Acquisition”  tast a Ciuccio.
Moltes gracies per la confiança dipositada!
Un bon començament!
Pròxima parada: New Zeland, Auckland, Wellington i Blenheim

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