The labels now include original texts related to ownership of the vineyards, dating back to before the phylloxera plague. These documents have been found by cooperative members at home amongst their personal papers. Not everyone can say that they still have the original deeds to their property in their possession. After a long search for “old papers” and after having selected the ones that were still legible and did not turn to dust in our fingers, we have been able to put these centenary documents on show.
Despite the devastating phylloxera plague in 1905, which meant we had to start from scratch and replant all our vineyards, these documents prove that our ancestors have worked the same land for centuries. The labels show the original seals drawn by hand by the notaries, kings or church authority of the time, some two or three centuries ago. Some are in Catalan, others in Spanish and each one reflects a small part of our history.
It is also important to note, that due to the characteristics of these documents, there are three different designs of original deeds (as can be seen in the photo). One wine, but three different labels.
These are the translations of some of the sentences that appear on the labels:
"Piece of land called Gravet in the field of its name, vineyard of four "jornales" (currency at that time in Spain), twenty cents equivalent to two hectares, fifty five areas and fity five centareas"
" Day fifteen of the month of November from 1649 and the twenty five pounds are delivered to us in the month of November…."