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Israel, a country of opportunities for Catalan PYMES

May 16, 2012, PIMEC (organisation which represents the employers of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises and also the self-employed workers of Catalonia) together with the Chamber of Commerce Catalonia-Israel, organized the seminar "Israel, a country of opportunities for businesses Catalan ", in which aspects of treatment on the marketing of products, better ways to enter Israel and other topics of interest.

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Kosher wine, pure beauty

Capçanes, in the region of Priorat. Friday, at sunset. These will be the Jew’s resting time soon, the Sabbath. Time for a kosher wine. Time for Peraj Ha’abib.

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Gràcies, Gracias, Thank you for joining our “nit de les garnatxes” 2012

Gracias a vosotros, per vosaltres, our “nit de les garnatxes” once again was full of magic. Estamos agradecidos y a la vez orgullosos de que 1.200 amics de tot el món, joined our night. We will be back in 2013! We are waiting for you! Os esperamos! Us esperem!…per la setena edició de la "nit de les Garnatxes" el proper 2013! A por ella!

Gràcies, Gracias, Thank's also to

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Capçanes on the road again!

On the 28th of April the German wine specialized “Walter&Benjamin”  hold its Annual wine tasting at his wine bar in Munich. W&B stands for handpicked unique and individual winemaking, authentic and pure, made in a artisanal and respectful way. Real proper wines.

Jürgen Wagner, one of our Capçanes winemakers was showing our range!

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