Capçanes, in the region of Priorat. Friday, at sunset. These will be the Jew’s resting time soon, the Sabbath. Time for a kosher wine. Time for Peraj Ha’abib.
A short walk to Jürgen’s house. Before sunset, time for vineyards and forests, time for them to rest and flourish. Food and excellent wine, white and rosé. Sunset, time for red wine, for pureness, sensitivity. Peraj Ha’abib. Fruit in your mouth, nature, perfection. Time for kosher wine. Under the attentive sight of the Rabin from Habat Jews Community, it is Flor de Primavera. The winemaker team decide however they cannot even have a look at it, which is really wonderful. It is Peraj Ha’abib. Flor de Primavera, a so called wine kosher, which is not Kosher anymore (I am not jewish) once you open the bottle, its pureness has already disappear, its beauty still keeps though.
Juan Fernández- Cuesta. Diario ABC