
All the news related to the activity of our winery.

Wein-Plus, February 2015

The last tasting in Wein Plus was celebrated on the..

Mas Collet 2012, in the Decanter magazine!

This month, Decanter recommended 25 wines, mentioning positively our Mas Collet wine…

Grenaches du Monde 2015, France

  The international competition rewarded Cabrida 2012 with a bronze..

Capçanes on the road again!

Capçanes on the road again! This time, we have taken..

Our wines, once again have been awarded!

Mas Torto 2012, Costers del Gravet  2012 and Cabrida 2012 are in..

Good ratings coming from the Selection Das Genussmagazin!

Good ratings coming from the tasting competition, celebrated by the..

It’s snowing!

First fair of Priorat Olive oil Producers

It will be the 25th of January from 11:00 until..

At last we have the guide in our hands:

Few days ago we did a report mentioning  the scores..

“Guía Proensa 2015”:

Here we have the "Guía Proensa" and Capçanes appears with..

5ª Fira d’Artesans Capçanes

The next 7th of December from 10:00 to 19: 00h..

La Guia de vins de Catalunya 2015

We have in our hands the guide and here are..

ABC “Guía Vino 2015”

We have the results of the 2015 ABC tasting and..

Life Style Magazine:

The magazine life Style in the June number dedicate a..

Rating of “Guía Peñín de los Vinos de España 2015”:

These days we have received the results of the expected..

Decanter Asia Wine Awards 2014:

The results of this prestigious competition are official and Capçanes..

Premis Vinari 2014

The 10th of  October we celebrated the "Premis Vinari", organized..

Fòrum Gastronòmic 2014

Yesterday it opened the "Gastronomic Forum 2014," where we can..

Capçanes on the road again:

This time in Rotterdam, Holland.

Mundus vini commends Capçanes:

The international wine awards have been awarded "Cabrida 2012" with..

TV3 at the winery:

On Friday we can received a different visit, with two..

TV2 visit Capçanes

Yesterday we had the honor to receive TV2 for a..

The harvest is here!

Yesterday (03/09/14) Celler de Capçanes started the harvest.

Cooperative awards in the magazine “ Cooperatives agràries de Catalunya

Capçanes wines in a Japanese Airline: The All Nippon Airways..