
All the news related to the activity of our winery.

Vivir el vino: 365 días al año

The "2 Pájaros 2012", 100% Carignan, it's being a success

Jancis Robinson (20 Aug 2014): A Catalan collection   Nick has been writing this week about our..

Part 4: Adelaide, Barossa/South Australia

After Sydney, and 2 hours flight, Adelaide, the 5th biggest..

Part 3, Capçanes on the road again, Sydney/New South Wales/Australia

There is no doubt about I do like Sydney, even..

Capçanes on the road, New Zealand

Last Tuesday I arrived in New Zealand. Beautiful, I can't..

Capçanes on the road again, Melbourne (Victoria) / Australia.

Capçanes is back on the road, this time calling from..

The vineyard is more and more advanced, everyday!

Here you have a  collection of images as grapes have..

Dos Pájaros 2010 in Terralia

The 14th of May the first semifinal of “ Basf..

From 25 to 28 of July, Is the main celebration of Capçanes!

From Cooperative we encourage everyone to come and enjoy the..

Vivir el Vino (Nº125)

The Magazine “Vivir el vino”  has written an article about..

Jewish Life Television

Yesterday it came the “Jewish Life Television” from Los Ángeles..

Mas Donís 2013

  The Magazine “Selection” organize the “Premium Select Wine Challenge”,..

III Cicle Musical de Capçanes:

During Saturdays from 28 June  and 19 July  in Capçanes..

Celler de Capçanes in “La Vanguardia”

Capçanes Cooperative appeared in this newspaper, with an interview to..

Vinologue Montsant

Friday 6th of june atended the presentation of Vinologue Montsant.

“Kosher Crossover”:

In the April edition of “The tasting Panel”, dedicated to..

Two Capçanes wines appear at the German edition of the magazine Playboy.

“For the lovers of the strong and spicy wines, we..

Review of agricultural machinery done!

Part of the measures for Integrated plague management (from 1st..

Five artists invited to the 8th “Nit de les Garnatxes”

5 artists are in charge of giving color and nice..

Celler de Capçanes in Tarragona Cellars’ Wine Guide 2014- 2015

One more year, you can find us in the Wine..

El Celler de Capçanes celebrates the 8th edition of “La Nit de les Garnatxes” – Diari de Tarragona

For the eighth consecutive year, Celler de Capçanes celebrates La Nit..

Celler de Capçanes stops at KFWE London

The Kosher Food and Wine Experience, brought to you by..

Celler de Capçanes in Tastings, “Barcelona Metropolitan”

We arrive again at that point in the year where..