Samsó, the new queen of the Priorat Region!

Joan Nebot has written about our 2 Pájaros wine.
In Capçanes 10 years ago we decided to make a single varietal wine with samsó, using the vinification pattern of  our  emblematic wine Cabrida.
The oldest cariñenas vines were sought, they were vinified in oak barrells, separating the cariñenas from different soils.
The result has been…… one coupage from these soils, in which clay gives freshness, limestone gives elegance and llicorella gives power.

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Diari d’un sommelier, has included an article about our Clay terroir wine!

Xavier Ayala creator of the Diari d'un sommelier blog, chose our Clay 2014 between our four terroir wines for his tasting.
He thinks it's brilliant the initiative carried out by capçanes, to produce garnachas of separate terroirs.
He also includes his tasting notes.

Here's the link to his blog and a picture of the article.

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Gilbert & Gaillard 2016

Capçanes has achieved two Gold medals!
We have the results of the Gilbert & Gaillard International Wine Competition 2016 .
Three medals for Capçanes!
Gold medals, for the Costers del Gravet 2014 and Vall del Calàs 2014.
Silver medal, for the Mas Collet.
A tasting of 331 wines  were carried out in 114 different wineries in Catalunya, held by:  François Gilber, founder of Gilbert Gaillard, Evelyn Israel,  winemaker and wine critic, also by Sylvain Patard, editor and wine critic.

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The Tasting Panel Magazine

The very popular magazine "The Tasting Panel Magazine" has written a great article in Los Angeles about the KFWE events.
Dedicating a special section to Capçanes and its two monovarietal Kosher wines.
Flor de Flor Samsó and Flor de Flor Garnacha, are the main characters in this edition of May!

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The Indicador d’Economia magazine

The Indicador d'Economia magazine has written about La Nit de les Garnatxes!
Our Nit de les Garnatxes is still causing excitement!
The article includes many details about what happened in this spectacular edition, marked by a decade of success!
Each terroir with its pairings, prepared by Michelin star restaurants.
The Mapping projection, which depicted, using subtle images, the history of the people who have made the Capcanes winery a great cooperative.

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Bronze Medal for our Vermut!

Our vermut was awarded a bronze medal at the Vinari awards for Catalan vermut.
In Capçanes we are very proud to get this award.
It shows that our daily work and efforts reap rewards!

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A Supernova called Capçanes!

A Supernova called Capçanes!!!!
La Nit de les Garnatxes, the best gastro-wine meeting in Catalunya, as presented by the Diari de Tarragona.
The different garnachas of the terroir with a special pairing prepared by the Michelin stars restaurants.
The white garnachas from the Terra Alta DO  who came to share the night.
The Garnacha wines were the stars of this event!

Below you have the article.

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Amazing 10th Nit de les Garnatxes!

The following pictures have been selected from the last Nit de les Granatxes!
Our thanks to the artists, restaurants, sponsors and collaborators who made it possible to have an amazing night!

I hope you enjoy them!

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