The Fira del Vi 2016 pictures!

Here's a small photographic abstract about what has happened at the wine fair during last days.
It has been a special year, as the members of priorat enoturisme have presented the first wine tourism passport in the region!
Terroir Priorat, 12 different wineries/ 12 different wines.
Despite the bad weather, the positive changes that occurred in the fair, made  it possible for wine lovers to enjoy our fair.

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The 2016 Wine Fair!

After our Nit de les Garnatxes, the  2016 Falset wine fair will begin.
We will be waiting for you in the number 7 stand, welcoming  you to come and enjoy our wines.
This year there will be some positive changes to the fair!

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El Punt Avui newspaper has written about our wines!

The  Vins de Catalunya guide recommended our wines in The El Punt Avui newspaper.
Cabrida, our most emblematic wine made with100% Garnacha grapes produced in our old vineyards.
Pansal del Calàs, made with Garnacha and Cariñena, using raisins dried on the vine.
A tour through the territory guided with the wines in mind.

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Vadevi has written about the pairings of La Nit de les Garnachas !

Last April 17th Vadevi published an article about the pairings which will be offered at the Capçanes cellar for the next edition of La Nit de les Garnachas.
The garnachas from different soils, each with a special pairing.
We will be celebrating a decade of  garnacha nights.
Not to be missed, it will be amazing!

Here's the link:

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New comics for our Garnachas de Terroir!

We have the new comics for our Garnachas de Terroir 2015 vintage!
You can compare the full expression of the garnacha grapes from the four different soils, produced using the same wine making process.
These comics depict, in English and Catalan, the whole process in a creative and refreshing way.
Perfect wines to pair dinners with friends!

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Once again Capçanes will be present at the Alimentaria fair in Barcelona.
Alimentaria will once again become an international business centre for all food, drinks and culinary industry professionals.
You can find us from the 25th to the 28th of April at the Palau P3, STREET D, STAND 471-15 .
From 10:00 am to 07:00 pm every day, except the 28th, when we close at 06:00 pm.

You will enjoy the last vintages.

We will be waiting for you!

For further information:

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The 3rd edition of Priorat wines and shepherd cheeses

Next Sunday the10th of April, don't miss the 3rd edition of Priorat wines and shepherd cheeses at Clos Figueres Cellar (Gratallops).
Capçanes will be present with a very special wine!!!!

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10th Nit de les Garnatxes with stars!

The next  29th of April, friday night, the10th edition of La Nit de les Garnatxes, will be held .
This year involving three restaurants with Michelin stars:

Restaurants from Cambrils:

  •  Can Bosch
  •  Rincón de Diego

Restaurant  from Xerta:

  •  Torreó de l'Indià

Guests cellars from the Terra Alta DO :

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The 4th Cooperative Fair!

The Cooperative Fair will be held next Saturday, March the 26th at the Castell del Vi in Falset.
From 11:00 to 21:00 hours.
We will wait for you!

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