Guía Peñín 2016

Here we have the new Guía Peñín 2016.
Cabrida, Dos Pájaros, Peraj Ha'abib… This year again earning points.
Mas Picossa Eco comes out with very good score and a good review in relation to their quality / price.

We are very proud!

  • Cabrida 2012: 93p  Mineral and spicy aromas. Ripe fruit and roasted palate. Long and balanced tasting.
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Vintage impressions

The harvest of whites began at the end of August.
With a very mild summer without strong winds, the grapes ripened without any setbacks.
The use of carbon pellets for inerting and cooling the grape juice over its whole route during processing,  resullts in  subtle wines  with  glycemic touches.
Tempranillo has had no over-charging and a good photosynthesis  results in wines with good colour and structure.
The low production syrah with high concentration of polyphenols  results in a powerful and fresh wine.

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Capçanes in the Ethnological Museum of Barcelona

The Ethnological Museum of Barcelona was inaugurated on the 4th of October and Capçanes was present with their Kosher wines!
Some pictures from the museum are included below.

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Selection Das Genussmagazin 2015

A complete success!
Capçanes obtains the first place as the Best Spanish Winery and Best Spanish Organic Winery

Concurso: Beste Weingüter Spaniens/ Mejores bodegas de España /Best Spanish Winery

1.) Platz/Puesto/Position: Celler de Capçanes

Concurso: Bestes Bio-Weingut Spaniens/ Mejores bodegas ecológica Española / Best Spanish Organic Winery

1.) Platz/Puesto/Position: Celler de Capçanes

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Yossie’s Corkboard Wine Recommendations

Once again Yossie is writing about Capçanes.
This time Peraj Petita 2013 is among his recommended wines.
A beautiful presentation of our wine.

Below you have his report!

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The Kosher wines range is growing!

After the success with Garnacha Flor del Flor, we want to offer  you our new  Flor del Flor old vines Samso!
A 100% Samso (Carignan).
Originating from old terrace and slope vineyards
Between 85 and 105 years  old…..
No yeast is added  and it is not clarified …..
The resulting wine has an intense amalgam of aromas and big mouth.
Capçanes will surprise you again!

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Amazing Terroir wines!

Once again Capçanes will surprise you!

Four Soil Types,
4 very different Garnatxes (Grenache wines)…

PANAL (rich limestone-based sandy soils)
100% Old Vines Garnatxa (Grenache)
An easy drinking wine…also easy to understand!
The sandy and loamy soils mean the vines cast their roots deep down into this earth.
Together with chalk deposits found here, these soils create fantastic natural sculptures.

LICORELLA (slate-based soils)
100% Old Vines Garnatxa (Grenache)

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Interview to Àngel Teixidó the winemaker at Capçanes cellar

The bloc from Aguilo Vinateria i Vins i Olis presents an interview with Àngel Teixidó the Capçanes winemaker.
He talks about innovation and development in a winemaking process at the current wines.

The link from the interview:

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