5ª Fira d’Artesans Capçanes

The next 7th of December from 10:00 to 19: 00h Capçanes host a lot of activities to do with family.  The fair will count with demonstrations of crafts and Guides around Capçanes Winery.

The Capçanes Women Association will collect food and toys and at 17:00the giants and Batucada are going around the village.

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ABC “Guía Vino 2015”

We have the results of the 2015 ABC tasting and one of the Capçanes wines, with three other wineries, is in the high score (96 points).

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Life Style Magazine:

The magazine life Style in the June number dedicate a section to talks about Priorat tourism;  we can find where to stay, to eat and also talks about the wine and Capçanes is there.

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Rating of “Guía Peñín de los Vinos de España 2015”:

These days we have received the results of the expected "Guía Peñín de los Vinos de España 2015". Celler de Capçanes is very present in it and that makes us feel happy to work more and more harder every day.

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Decanter Asia Wine Awards 2014:

The results of this prestigious competition are official and Capçanes has the privilege of appearing with three of our wines.

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Premis Vinari 2014

The 10th of  October we celebrated the "Premis Vinari", organized by "vadevi.cat".

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Fòrum Gastronòmic 2014

Yesterday it opened the "Gastronomic Forum 2014," where we can find in until Thursday a wide range of food and wine products.

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Mundus vini commends Capçanes:

The international wine awards have been awarded "Cabrida 2012" with the gold medal, a real appreciation to a wine that is becoming more valued everywhere.

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