Anna Rovira at L’indicador d’Economia
Once again, our winemaker Anna Rovira appears in the media as an example of the well-done work. Congratulations Anna!
Once again, our winemaker Anna Rovira appears in the media as an example of the well-done work. Congratulations Anna!
Celler Capcanes – alle Macht den Böden SPANIENS WEINWELTEN – unterwegs im Land wo kein Riesing wächst 28. Mai 2019, Thomas Götz
The media talk about our enologist, Anna Rovira, and we are very proud. You can read the article at Congratulations Anna!
Once again, Celler de Capçanes took part at the Falset Wine Fair. Thank you all for coming to visit us, we wish you enjoyed it!
Diari de Tarragona talks about the thirteenth edition of La Nit de les Garnatxes, what a successful party! Thank you everyone who participated!
We are so proud with the recognition we have received from Ajuntament de Falset for our contribution to the diffusion of the wine culture in the Priorat. Thank you!
Recently the wines of Celler de Capçanes have obtained the vegan certification (V-label) which is granted by the European Vegetarian Union. It means that no ingredient of animal origin has been used in the production of our wines. We have considered interesting to certify ourselves in order to guarantee our consumers that 90% of our … Read more
La propera edició de La Nit de les Garnatxes es celebrarà el proper dia 3 de maig de 2019, ja la tenim aquí! Al llarg de les 13 edicions que hem gaudit, La Nit de les Garnatxes s’ha convertit en una festa que transforma el Celler en un espai on gaudir de degustacions de vins … Read more
We are proud to share and celebrate that Anna Rovira, winemaker of Celler de Capçanes, has been recognized as Female Winemaker of the Year 2019 by the prestigious Selection magazine, das genussmagazin, in Germany. Congratulations! And, if that was not enough, we also received 7 gold medals and 3 silver medals. Hard work and talent … Read more