
100% Garnatxa negra de vinyes velles

Color vermell robí brillant de mitjana-baixa intensitat. De gran expressió aromàtica, amb melmelada de gerds i notes florals i a herbes de muntanya que li donen un perfil fresc i perfumat. En boca també és delicat i envolvent. Molt ben definit amb fruita de grosella i una nota vibrant de gerds; el fons és floral i fresc. Tanins suaus i elegants, el roure s’integra al vi donant un pas en boca rodó i delicat. Cabrida és l’expressió pura i elegant de la garnatxa negra de vinya vella.

La frescor d’aquesta Garnatxa fa que aquest vi sigui un perfecte company de plats més greixosos com el magret d’ànec, els formatges cremosos i els peus de porc. Molt recomanable de maridar amb rissottos de bolets i amb carn blanca rostida.

Tim Atkin 2025:

  • Cabrida 2022: 94 punts: “Canvia l’elegància del 2021 per una mica més de potència; maduixes i gerds madures, lleugerament passades, violetes i regalèssia. Polsós, fresc i lleugerament càlid. Continua sent el millor vi de totes les cooperatives que he tastat aquest any. Ja estic desitjant provar el 2023. 2024-2032″

Guia Verema 2025

  • Cabrida 2022: 93 punts

Hudin, Wine-Guide

  • Cabrida 2022: 94 punts
  • Cabrida 2021: 94 punts
  • Cabrida 2020: 93+ punts
  • Cabrida 2018: 90+ punts
  • Cabrida 2015: 91 punts

Vinous by Antonio Galloni 2024:

  • Cabrida 2022: 92 punts. “Garnatxa varietal, Cabrida 2022 prové de vinyes de 100 anys del Montsant. El vi presenta un bouquet d’herbes juntament amb aromes de violeta i pebre blanc. Mostra tensió al paladar, els tanins lleugerament pungents, creen una estructura compacta amb una expressió una mica indòmita. Guanyarà molt em ampolla, ja que el vaig tastar només dues setmanes després de l’embotellat”.

La Guia de Vins de Catalunya 2025:

  • Cabrida 2022: 95 punts

Gilbert & Gaillard, 2024:

  • Cabrida 2022: Doble Medalla d’Or

Guía Peñín Cata 2024:

  • Cabrida 2022: 92 punts

Ferran Centelles, Guia Tapas 2024:

  • Cabrida 2022: 94 punts.Cabrida prové de garnatxes negres molt velles, situades a la DO Montsant. En nas és expressiu, amb notes florals, i, en boca, els fruits vermells madurs aporten gran sabor. Sumat a uns tanins suaus i a una fusta molt integrada, fan que Cabrida fos reconegut com el Millor Vi de Catalunya en els premis Vinari 2022. Cabrida és el millor vi de la millor cooperativa de Catalunya”.

Pedro Ballesteros MW (Club Oenologique) 2024:

  • Cabrida 2022: 95 punts. “Probablement el millor Cabrida fins ara, mostra una gran delicadesa tant en nas com en boca. Molt ben definit, amb fruita de grosella i una alegre nota de gerds. El roure s’integra hàbilment en el vi, mostrant-se discret per a una sensació en boca rodona i delicada. Profund i suau, possiblement una mica càlid, amb un final llarg. Un dels millors vins de la regió. Encara millorarà amb els anys, però no veig la necessitat d’esperar i no gaudir-lo ara”.

Frankfurt International Trophy 2024:

  • Cabrida 2022: 92 punts. Gran Medalla d’Or.

Selection. Female Winemakers of the year 2024:

  • Cabrida 2022: 95 punts. Gran Medalla d’Or ***** 5 Estrelles.

Tim Atkin 2024:

  • Cabrida 2021: 95 punts. “Una garnatxa increïblement delicada i vivaç procedent de ceps d’entre 60 i 110 anys de diverses vinyes dels voltants de Capçanes. Floral, afruitat i deliciosament herbaci; fruita de maduixa brillant, anís, pebre blanc, violetes i lleugers tocs d’herbes assaonades. Calcari, fresc i molt saborós. Aquesta és una deliciosa ampolla de Garnatxa. 2022-2032.”

La Guia de Vins de Catalunya 2024:

  • Cabrida 2021: 97/100 punts

James Suckling 2023:

  • Cabrida 2021: 91 punts. “Gerds i maduixes cruixents, amb herbes i violetes. Cos mitjà amb tanins sedosos. Rodó i ben emmarcat amb un cor sucós i cremós de baies. Final suculent i transparent. Vegà. Beu-te’l ara”.

Berliner Wine Trophy 2023:

  • Cabrida 2021: Medalla d’Or.

Andreas Larsson 2023:

  • Cabrida 2021: 92 punts. “Medium deep garnet colour. Pure and floral nose with some flinty/stony notes, ripe plum, cherry, wild berries, garrigue and fine spices. The palate is supple and rounded but with very good grip and concentration, fragrant herbal and spicy dark fruit flavours backed by a fresh acidity, pulpy and digest with a very good length.”

Selection Das Genussmagazin – Winzerinnen des Jahres 2023:

  • Cabrida 2021: 93 punts. 5 stars (*****)

Gilbert & Gaillard International Challenge 2023:

  • Cabrida 2021: 90 punts. Medalla d’Or.

International Wine & Spirits Awards 2022:

  • Cabrida 2020: 95 pts. GREAT GOLD MEDAL

Guía Peñín 2023:

  • Cabrida 2020: 93 punts.

La Guia de Vins de Catalunya 2023:

  • Cabrida 2020: 9,64/10 punts

Premis Vinari 2022

  • Cabrida 2020: Millor vi Català de l’any 2022.
  • Cabrida 2020: Millor vi negre criança. Vinari Gran Or dels vins catalans.

Gilbert & Gaillard International Challenge 2022:

  • Cabrida 2020: Medalla d’Or

IX Edición del Concurso Vino Varietal 2022:

  • Cabrida 2020: Medalla d’Or

Andreas Larsson 2022:

  • Cabrida 2020: 93 punts. “Medium deep ruby red colour. Pure expression, mild oak, pure fruit with red berries, plum, garrigue and tobacco. Voluminous palate with grainy extract and tannin, sweet red fruit, pepper and anis flavours with a balanced freshness, mild oak notes and a long warm finsih, already a good drinkability but potent for long ageing.”

Revista Sobremesa 2022:

  • Cabrida 2019: 94 punts.

Decanter World Wine Awards 2022:

  • Cabrida 2019: 92 punts. “Floral, spice, pepper and red fruit nose. The palateis is finely-textured with creamy oak. A powerful and quite concentrated style with a long finish. Bravo.”

Frankfurt International Trophy 2022:

  • Cabrida 2019: OR

Catavinum World Wine & Spirits Competition 2022:

  • Cabrida 2019: 96 punts/ Gran Or 

Guía Proensa 2022:

  • Cabrida 2019: 96 punts.

Gilbert & Gaillard 2021:

  • Cabrida 2019: 93 punts, Medalla d’Or.

Guía Peñín 2022:

  • Cabrida 2019: 91 punts.

La Guia de Vins de Catalunya 2022:

  • Cabrida 2019: 9,77/10 pts

Grenaches du Monde 2022:

  • Cabrida 2019: OR

Selection das Genussmagazin 2021:

  • Cabrida 2019: 93 punts. / 5*

Decanter World Wine Awards 2021

  • Cabrida 2018: OR/95 punts. “Floral and ripe red fruit nose. Really soft and rich on the palate, quite velvet-textured and a pure. This is quite subtle and very stylish, multi-layered and generous, with excellent length.”

Vinum Magazin

  • Cabrida 2018: 16,5/20 pts. When young, the Cabrida has an enormous sweetness that melts over time. The berry and cherry aromas are clear and precise despite their ripeness, the wood is solid on the palate, roasted walnut shells and mocha. Still needs time to find each other. Will find balance and delicacy.
  • Cabrida 2016: 16,5/20 pts. Powerful, single-variety Grenache from 60 – 110 year old bush vines with 15% alcohol, matured in new French wood for 12 months, medium and slightly toasted, bottled unadorned. Wonderful berries, cherries, wild herbs, great freshness, excellently integrated wood.”

Berliner Wein Trophy 2021:

  • Cabrida 2018: OR

Guía Proensa 2021

  • Cabrida 2018: 97 punts

La Guia de Vins de Catalunya 2021:

  • Cabrida 2018: 96 punts

Selection Das Genussmagazin 2021:

  • Cabrida 2018: 3 stars (***)


  • Cabrida 2018: 93 punts “Aromas of blackberries, blueberries and hints of spices, such as cloves. Plums and walnuts. It’s round and flavorful with some rust and spice. Iron, too. Drink or hold.”

Grenaches du Monde 2020

  • Cabrida 2018: OR

Blind tasted Andreas Larsson 2020

  • Cabrida 2018: 92 pts
    Medium deep ruby red colour. High ripeness on the nose with jammed red berries, plum, floral hints and mild spices. An unctuous and bold texture with sweet fruit flavours, a nice bite of freshness thanks to plenty of finely shaped tannins and a very long finish. Still a bit youthful and unresolved but should develop truly well.

Guia Peñin 2020

  • Cabrida 2018: 91 pts

Selection das Genussmagazin 2020:

  • Cabrida 2018: *** (SILVER)

Asia Wein Trophy 2019:

  • Cabrida 2017: gold medal

Berliner Wein Trophy 2019:

  • Cabrida 2017: gold medal

Selection das Genussmagazin 2019:

  • Cabrida 2017: **** (gold)

Guia de Vins de Catalunya 2020:

  • Cabrida 2016: 9.66p

Wein-Plus 2019:

  • Cabrida 2016: 92p

Guía Peñín 2020:

  • Cabrida 2016: 90p

Miquel Hudin 2020

  • Cabrida 2016: 90pts

Blind Tasted 2018:

  • Cabrida 2016: 92p. Medium to deep red colour with a purple hue. Floral nose with some wild herbs, plum and red berries with modest oak notes. Really good grip and concentration without heaviness, fresh red berries, plum, garrigue and grainy tannin adding lift, dense fruit and a long vigorous aftertaste. Concentrated yet digest with good drinkability.

James Suckling tasting 2018:

  • Cabrida 2016: 94p. Joyful nose of fresh raspberries, summer flowers and a hint of clove. Concentrated ripe fruit, beautifully crafted tannins that sit so neatly within this wide frame. Great balance of sweet and dry, warm and cool elements. Delicious now, but with very good aging potential.

Guía Peñín 2019:

  • Cabrida 2016: 90 p.

Selection Das Genussmagazin 2018:

  • Cabrida 2016: 4 stars = GOLD

Selection Das Genussmagazin 2018:

  • Cabrida 2015: 92 puntos

La Guía de vins de Catalunya 2019:

  • Cabrida 2015: 95p.

Gilbert Gaillard 2017:

  • Cabrida 2015: 90/100: GOLD

La Guía de vins de Catalunya 2018:

  • Cabrida 2015: 9,55p.

Guía Peñín 2018:

  • Cabrida 2015:  91 p.

Guía Proensa 2018:

  • Cabrida 2015: 97 p. “Sutileza más que potencia en un tinto grande.”

Gilbert Gaillard 2017:

  • Cabrida 2014: 90+GOLD

Guía Proensa 2017:

  • Cabrida 2014: 97p. En los mejores niveles niveles de la marca,fino, con carácter. Aromas frutales concentrados de madurez perfecta, toques florales,minerales y de especies negras. Sólido en la boca, equilibrado, fresco, con taninos firmes, sabroso, expresivo, largo.

“Celler de Capçanes se subió al carro de la vanguardia y de la calidad hace años y ahí sigue, pase lo que pase.”
“…Lo que no cambia es la fórmula del éxito….”

La Guía de vins de Catalunya 2017:

  • Cabrida 2013: 9,60p.

The wine advocate 2016:

  • Cabrida 2014: 92 Points. The 2014 Cabrida already shows the new direction for the estate—especially for 2015—towards finer, more complex and delicate wines with judicious use of oak and more fruit-driven and fresh. Those seem like deep changes, and this pure old vine Garnacha is the blend of many micro-vinifications in open 500-liter oak barrels with some floral and wild berry aromas, and a core of sweet spices and earth. The palate is quite delicate, with a fine texture, with chalky tannins and good freshness.

“It seems like some deep changes have happened at the cooperative of Capçanes with a new technical team and a new direction towards finer, more complex and delicate wines with judicious use of oak, fruit-driven and fresher.”

Guía Peñin 2017:

  • Cabrida 2014: 92 p.

Selection Das Genussmagazin 2016:

  • Cabrida 2013: 4 Stars, GOLD

La Guía de vins de Catalunya 2016:

  • Cabrida 2012: 9,62p.

Guía Proensa 2016:

  • Cabrida 2013: 95 p.

Guía Peñín de los Vinos de España 2016

  • Cabrida 2012: 93p.

Vinum Europas Weinmagazin, February 2015

  • Cabrida 2009: 18 P/20PVinum

Wein – Plus,  19 February 2015

  • Cabrida 2012 : 91 WP= Outstanding

Grenaches Du Monde 2015, France

  • Cabrida 2012:  Bronze Medal

Selection Das Genussmagazin,  Germany 2015

  •  Cabrida 2012 : 4 Stars = Gold, excellent

Proensa 2015:

  • Cabrida 2012: 96p.

La Guia de vins de Catalunya 2015:

  • Cabrida “Garnatxa negra de vinyes velles”(2011):9,60p.Elegant, Extraordinari i Llaminer

Guía Peñín de los Vinos de España 2015:

  • Cabrida 2012: 90p.

Jancis Robinson “A Catalan Collection”:

  • Capçanes Cabrida 2011, 17.5p:Old Garnacha with a year in French barriques. Warm and rich on the nose but with real refreshment on the palate. More sinewy than a typical Châteauneuf. Refined. Recalls the David Sadie Grenache a bit. Fine and muscular. Amazingly persistent.Drink 2014- 2020 • £29 Berry Bros & Rudd, Little Wine Club

“The Wine Advocate”, Robert Parker, USA 2014

  • Cabrida (2012): 91pThe 2012 Cabrida is pure Garnacha, again not a shy wine at all, with 15% alcohol well-integrated into the wine, which shows powerful aromas and flavors of ripe red fruits and equally powerful, yet balanced, palate with good acidity and length. Drink 2015-2020. $65

Selection Wine Tasting:

  • Cabrida 2012: 85p.

“Guía Proensa de los mejores vinos de España”,2014 Spain:

  • Cabrida 2011,98p: Una de las mejores cosechas del mejor tinto del Montsant. Amplio, potente, con muchos matices y mucho carácter; elegante. Equilibrado y con noble fuerza en la boca, fresco, sabroso, expresivo.

“LA GUIA de vins de Catalunya”, 2014:

  • Cabrida 2010,9.57p:Llaminer/ Elegant/ Potent

“Guía Peñín de los vinos de España”,2014, Spain:

  • Cabrida Calissa 2011, 93pVino Excelente100% Garnacha, Color cereza, borde granate. Aroma fruta madura, roble cremoso, tostado, complejo, terroso. Boca potente, sabroso, tostado, taninos maduros.

“Restaurant Wine” newsletter, by Ronn Wiegand,USA 2013:

  • Cabrida 2010, ★★★★★ EXCEPTIONAL quality Cabrida is a single vineyard bottling produced from very old vines.It is very rich and full bodied; a complex, well balanced wine with rich fruitiness (blueberry, cranberry, raspberry jam), evident oak character (vanilla, toast, spicy oak), and a very long, mildly tannic finish. Exceptional. 100% Garnacha. Aged 12 months in new French oak barrels.

“Peñin Guide, Top wines from Spain”, Spain, 2013/2014:
• Cabrida 2009. 91pColour: deep cherry, granet rim. Nose: wild herbs, ripe fruits, sweet spices. Palate: floavourful, good structure, good acidity.

“Revista vivir el vino” Spain, Junio 2013:

  • Cabrida 2010. 94p “Mucha fruta roja… pura esencia mineral… en boca amplio, tanino maduro… excelente acidez y final largo con recuerdos de cacao”

“Guía Palacio de los mejores vinos Iberoamericanos”Spain, June 2013

  • Cabrida 2010, 94p

“Grenaches du Monde”, France:

  • “Cabrida 2010” Silver Medal

“Guía Peñín” de los vinos de españa 2013, Spain:

  • “Cabrida 2009” 91p Color cereza, borde granate. Aroma hierbas silvestres, fruta madura, especias dulces. Boca sabroso, estructurado, buena acidez.

“Guía Proensa 2013”, Spain:

  • “Cabrida 2009” 97p : Fresco y rotundo, elegante. Nariz rica en finos matices: frutos negros maduros, florales, minerales, monte bajo, tinta, especias. Con músculo y con nervio, consistente, equilibrado, sabroso, expresivo.

“The Wine Advocate”/USA,Robert Parker, 2011:

  • ” Cabrida 2009 ”:  92+ points“…it is dense and mouth-filling with succulent black cherry and spicy flavors …”
  • ” Cabrida 2007 ”:  92 points
  • ” Cabrida 2005 ”:  91 points
  • ” Cabrida Calissa 2006 ”:  93 points
  • ” Cabrida 2001 ”:  94 points “… superb purify, tremendous intensity, and a full-bodied, long finish…it delivers tremendous complexity as well as intensity…”
  • ” Cabrida 2000 ”:  92 points“This sensational efforts offers…a gorgeous nose of kirsch liqueur, raspberries, minerals, and flowers. Full-bodied and super-concentrated, with its immense structure hidden by a wealth of glycerin fruit, and extract, this pure, long beauty …”
  • ” Cabrida 1998 ”:94 points“…This is undoubtly the most impressive offering I have ever tasted from Tarragona…”
  • ” Cabrida 1999 ”: 90+ points
  • “Cabrida`1996”: 92 points“Very impressive!”

“Markus del Monego & Andreas Larsson”, Tasted Journal, 100% Blind Spain,Oct 2012:

  • Cabrida 2009;  88.5p: AL – Medium deep ruby; rather restrained nose of wood, spices, red and dark berries; quite structured and firm palate with young tannin, restrained fruit, some woody notes and a long, tight finish. MdM – Dark, purple red with violet hue and almost black centre. Ripe aromas, spicy and slightly mineral touch with juicy fruit. On the palate well balanced with well integrated tannins and juicy character.

“Wein- plus”, Germany 2012:

  • Cabrida 2009; 89p: Clean, fairly polished nose, ripe partly preserved red berries and some black berries, dried floral notes, hint of Provencal herbs, mineral traces in the background. Juicy, clear, slightly jammy fruit on the palate, very fine, mature tannins, delicate acid bite, powerful but also harmonious, elegant herbaceous notes, prominent mineral notes in the background, good persistence and has some depth, very creamy, slightly astringent on a very good finish.

“International Wine Cellar”, Stephen Tanzer, USA:

  • Cabrida 2007: 92p“You could scent a room with this stuff…Pinot like in its precision but this packs serious punch”;
  • Cabrida 2005: 92p
  • Cabrida 2004: 92p
  • Cabrida 2003: 92p
  • Cabrida´98:  92p

Daniel Rogov Strat´s Place/Tel Aviv/Israel:

  • “Cabrida´04”: 91 p

Wine Guide “Andres Proensa 2005”,Spain:

  • “Cabrida´2005”: 97 points
  • “Cabrida 2004”: 97 points
  • “Cabrida 2001”: 97 points
  • “Cabrida 2000”: 97 points

Wine Guide“Guia Jose Penin 2005”, Spain:

  • “Cabrida´01”: 90 points

Wine Guide“Guia Jose Penin 2003”, Spain:

  • “Cabrida´2000 ”: 90 points

Wine Guide “Vivir el vino 2005”, Spain:

  • “Cabrida´01: *** 3 stars

Wine Guide “Anuario de los Vinos/El Pais” 2002, Spain:

  • “Cabrida 1999 ” : Excellent

“Wine Spectator”, /USA, 15th of Nov 2002:

  • “Montsant – Near Priorat, Spain´s newest wine region is making its mark:..At the high end, the 50$ Capçanes Cabrida, an old-vine Garnacha from an array of local growers, rivals much of the output from Priorat- and the rest of Spain”

“Decanter – Tim Atkin”/England: “My best wine ever, ever, ever;”,  1999:

  • “Cabrida´96: The most enjoyable bottle I´ve ever drunk…Wine doesn´t have to be famous, or ludicrously expensive, to taste great”

“The Observer, Tim Atkin“/England, 1998:

  • ” .. this particular visit was a revelation…. One red, called Cabrida, is among the best things I´ve tasted all week. It´s easily as good as the stuff I sampled in nearby Priorato and easily less than half the price.”

“The Wall Street Journal Europe”,  2004:

  • “What´s behind the label: …Priorat and Montsant… have turned out Span´s most concentrated… modern wines… the country´s fastest-rising coop…Celler de Capçanes … Cabrida rivals the best in Spain for explosive fruit and aging potential… Capçanes also makes wines… that carry lower price tags and are outstanding values..”

“Decanter – Top wines 2003”,/England 2003:

  • “ Cabrida 1999 ”: 4****stars

“The Guardian Weekend”, Malcom Gluck, /England, 2003:

  • “Cabrida 2000 ”  17 points  ”..a lovely, rich, vigorous wine …but with a superb, beautifully satiny texture”

“Mondo-Weine der Welt”, Germany 2004:

  • “… Klasse und Understatement… sie sind konzentriert wie gewohnt, enorm kraftvoll …ich kann mir gut vorstellen, dass einige Weine bei einer späteren Verksotung von mir höher bewertet werden
  • “… die 2001er Spitzenweine von Capçanes… zeigten eindrucksvoll – obwohl immernoch enorm jugendlich – ihre Klasse …”
  • “ Cabrida 2001”: 92 points
  • “ Cabrida 2000”: 93 points“Auch die neuen Weine von Capçanes erinnern sehr an Priorato – kraftvolle, eigenständige Weine, mit viel Charakter”
  • “ Cabrida 1999”: 91 points

“Unfiltered – VinVino Life”, Germany Mai 2002:

  • “ Cabrida 2000 ”: 93-94 points
  • “ Cabrida 1999 ”: 92-94 points

Wein-Magazin “Weinwelt”, Germany 2001:

  • ”Katalanische Träume  – … der Top-Cru Cabrida gehört zur absoluten Spitze in Spanien…”


Fermentació a temperatura controlada (24-28ºC)

Maceració: 30 dies

Fermentació alcohòlica y malolàctica en tines d’acer inoxidable.

Suau filtrat abans d’embotellar (només quan necessari).


12 mesos en Foudre de roure francès (3000 L), de torrat lleuger i mitjà.

Posterior envelliment en tines d’acer inoxidable durant 2 mesos abans de ser embotellat.


Vinyes velles: amb una edat entre els 60 i 110 anys.
Sòl: argila i granit, en terrasses.


A mà
Mitjans setembre
750 a 1.000  gr per cep
25-35 hl/ha


  • 14,5 % vol. Alcohol
  • 4,7 g/l àcid tartàric
  • <1 g/l sucres residuals


3500 ampolles (75 cl)

Cabrida 2020 Celler de Capçanes DO Montsant


© Celler de Capçanes 2018  |  C/ Llaberia 9, 43776 Capçanes – Tarragona (Spain)  |  Tel. (+34) 977 178 319  |

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